Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Learning Styles

I believe there are two learning styles that fit me the best.  I am a visual learner, as well as a tactile/kinesthetic learner.  I learn best by seeing and doing.  Once I actually partake in a particular activity, I will feel more confident in my ability to learn and teach any subject.  For instance, even as a teacher I have to learn new curriculum to teach my students.  In science, I am currently teaching about matter and molecules.  Because this concept is difficult to grasp, I complete each experiment myself before I teach my students.  That way I feel more confident in my teaching.
I also enjoy visual learning such as through the use of maps, pictures, flip charts, and diagrams.  These resources help me visualize what I am supposed to learn.  For instance, in social studies I am teaching about different Native American regions in the United States.  If I just put a map up and pointed to each location that would make the information more difficult to learn.  Instead, I gave each child a map to color code and label themselves.  This way they got to experience both a visual and kinesthetic learning style. 
I struggle with being an auditory learner.  I can concentrate for a short period of time, but I have difficulty grasping a lot of information over a long period of time.  Just as kids in my classroom, I get distracted by my surroundings. 


  1. That is why it is so important that we have our students teach lessons too. Once they have done it themselves, they will learn and retain the information.

  2. I agree with students teaching lessons! It give them ownership for their learning and they grasp it quicker than listening to someone else relay the information.
