Saturday, November 5, 2011

Personal Learning Reflection Cont.

I am excited that I decided to get my master's in Educational Technology at Michigan State University.  I had a friend and colleague who was finishing up this program and she recommended it to me.  She said she learned a variety of useful ways to incorporate technology into the classroom.  I am glad I took her advice.  In CEP 810, I did not dread coming home from work and working on projects or assignments for this class.  I knew I was benefiting my students along the way.

After completing eight weeks of the class, I learned a wide range of skills dealing with technology.  Some of even the simplest activities such as creating a Twitter account, blog, and RSS Reader feed have been effective for me.  This class gave me the motivation to create a classroom website, which I will improve in CEP 811. My instructor, Melissa White was available to assist quickly when needed and helped to enhance my learning on educational technology.

My current fifth grade students love the idea of a blog and have written on my website blog numerous times.  Although they have not completely used it in the way I would hope (asking questions about homework and helping eachother) they have really taken to the blog.  Also, they enjoy using the useful educational games that I put on my Weebly website.

Although I was a bit nervous for working in a group on an online class, I think it was extrememly beneficial.  For example, our group's proposal was that personal learning networks could positively enhance learning.  One of my group members discussed collaborate classroom.   Before we worked on our project, I had never heard of it.  Now I think it is a great tool I can use in my classroom.  

As I said in my post a few weeks earlier, I will continue to find ways of incorporating more technology into the classroom.  Just in one short semester, I have learned so many new educational sites, as well as social sites that people turn to all around the world.  My long-term goals are to discover many more free online resources that are user-friendly to impliment into my classroom.

Thanks for a great semester!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Lisa for your comments! You did have a great group dynamic and it resulted in a great group project.
    I am glad to see you learned so many new things and are already incorporating them into your classroom. I think that is neat the kids are enjoying blogging. It will help their writing skills.
