Saturday, March 3, 2012

Group Leadership Project Finalized

My group decided to use Jing to deliver our final project.  We had used Adobe Connect for our group meeting; however, we felt it echoed when we talked to each other.  Another negative with Adobe Connect was that we would have had to meet at a time that was convenient for all of us as well as our instructor. We all felt very comfortable using Jing to create our individual portion of the presentation.   For our group, it was very effective to use Google Docs to communicate with each other as well as email.       

I learned a lot during the development process of our Group Leadership Project.  First, I learned the importance of discussion with my group members.  When we got together on Google docs or email, it was important to communicate on what the final product entailed, helping each other understand it fully.  After discussion, we felt that it wasn’t fair to have one person create the entire Jing on Prezi.  Also, we didn’t feel as confident on the parts of a Prezi we didn’t specifically become a master on.  Although the flow of our presentation would have been a bit better with one person completing it, we felt it was important to show our collaboration on the presentation.  We watched the person’s presentation before our own part, trying to make it flow.  The development of the project was easier and more fair by assigning particular roles.

If I had to deliver a similar product again, the only part I would change would be to add a few more sound effects.  I had a very difficult time finding appropriate sound effects for the presentation.  There are a million sound effects on the Internet, but finding one that worked was more difficult for me.   

Our group collaborated well together and we have a product that we are proud of.  Enjoy!   

Group Leadership Project

Part 1 How to get started with Prezi by Lisa Napierala

Part 2 How to move, rotate, scale and zoom by Steve Veldman

Part 3 How to use frames and create a path by Linnea Czerney

Part 4 How to invite others to view by Amanda Kain


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