Friday, February 24, 2012

Personal Learning Reflection CEP 812

My passion for learning about technology and how to effectively incorporate it into my classroom is not going to stop after CEP 812 or after MAET.  Below I have created a podcast and screen cast, two technologies I have learned to use this semester in order to share my accomplishments as well as share what I will continue to work on throughout MAET and beyond.      

Here is a podcast of my Personal Learning Reflection for CEP 812:


Script to Podcast:
After reviewing my goals from CEP 810 and CEP 811, I have learned an immense amount of knowledge up to this point in my masters.  When I started MAET, I had never created a blog,  a web page, or used an RSS Reader.  I was unfamiliar with Google for Documents, Forms, Drawing, and creating Presentations, as well as little knowledge on numerous educational learning sites.  Wow, has my knowledge for technology grown in just in a short few months!  

Most of my goals from CEP 810 and 811 have been fulfilled.  One of the most beneficial findings is learning from others on social learning sites such as MACUL space.   Also, I have created a website for student and parent use, as well as a blog.   

In my current CEP classes, I have learned about a variety of content management systems such as Weebly, Moodle, Wiki, and Wordpress.  I learned how to create a screen cast as well a podcast.    

This semester, one of the projects I learned the most from was through the Wicked Project.  Not only did I learn from my own, but through my group member’s projects as well.  The group I was assigned was a perfect fit.  For example, Steve Veldman’s project was on students editing and revising their written work.  I struggle with this issue on a daily basis.  After seeing his overall success with VozME, I too want to use this technological tool to enhance student learning.  Amanda Kain worked with WikiSpaces which I am not very knowledgeable on and Linnea Czerney worked with increasing parent communication.  All of these issues were relevant to my teaching and I enjoyed discovering new websites and information to enhance my teaching.

As I said before and I will continue to say, I will always search for new ways of incorporating more technology into the classroom.  I am becoming more confident in my abilities with technology.  My long-term goals are to discover many more free online technological resources that are user-friendly to implement into my classroom.  I am more confident in my abilities; however, I know I still have so much more to learn and that learning won’t stop after this class or after getting my masters.  As I mentioned last semester, I am still focused on getting Google accounts for students, as well as creating online portfolios.

I am very thrilled that our school is finally getting on board with SMARTboards.  I am trying to talk my principal into technology training on the SMARTboards and incorporate that into our Summer School Program for our youngsters struggling in math.  This is a great way for professional development and immediately use it for student learning.   
I know as I continue through my masters degree I am going to continue to learn an immense amount of knowledge.       

End of Script

I wanted to create a Screencast in order to show some of the ways I have learned about technology and/or incorporated technology into my teaching. 

Here is a screen cast made from Jing on my Personal Learning Reflection for CEP 812:


I am excited to see what the rest of the masters program has to offer!

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