Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Blogging vs. Websites

Welcome to Napierala News!  I hope you enjoy my new blog!

What is the difference between a blog and a website?

 Blogging has been a innovative addition to the world of technology.  It allows for immediate communication from one end of the globe to the other.  Blogging is a great tool for all people to use in order to gain insight into any topic imaginable.  I am able to subscribe via RSS Reader to any blog that I am interested in.  As an educator, I have already subscribed to blogs that give me quick and insightful ways to incorporate technology in the classroom.  If I have questions or I don't understand a post, I can comment on it.  Anyone can respond to my comment and I could end up with an answer within a few minutes. 

A website is useful for finding information too; however, you do not communicate back and forth.  If you don't agree with what the website says, you can't fix what is already there quickly.  Also, when a website is updated, you do not always get a notification that it was updated.   

Using both websites and blogs are a way to gain information on any topic imaginable.


  1. Nice Blog! How long did it take you to construct it, and did you have previous experience with Blogging?

  2. Thanks Brian! No, I have never blogged before. It did take me a bit longer just because I was playing with formats.
