Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Getting Things Done

As a teacher, the work never ends.  Stress builds as report cards are due, conferences are approaching, or tests need to be graded.  Getting Things Done is a great way to help yourself not get overwhelmed at all the tasks you have to accomplish on a daily basis.

The first step of Getting Things Done or GTD is collecting.  This is a way to get the clutter out of your head and down on paper.  The second step is processing.  It is your job to figure out what each task is and if it is important enough to worry about.  Next you need to organize.  This is where you will take all the tasks that you have collected and figure out their priority.  For instance, if a task has to be completed in a week, you can mark it as a calendar item.  That way you won’t lose track of when it is due.  After you organize it is time to review.  This is important in order to make sure your projects are getting done or the items that need attention move up in priority.   Lastly, you complete the tasks that have the highest priority based on how much time you have left in your day.

This idea really made me realize the importance of prioritizing.  I have already felt overwhelmed with this graduate class and being a teacher in the classroom.  I love this idea and I will try it myself to feel less stressed.  

1 comment:

  1. This module is perfect for this class to help you become organized when taking an online course etc.
