Saturday, September 24, 2011

RSS Reader Reflection

Posting to Blog

I posted to the article, “Why Integrate Technology into the Curriculum?  The Reasons are Many.”  In my posting, I agreed with the article and why integrating technology is so beneficial for students in the classroom.  I believe technology is not a phase and will be around in the centuries to come.  It is my role as an educator to help prepare my students on the importance of technology in the classroom. Technology can be used to learn life skills such as teamwork.  Technology can also make learning more fun.  It is a critical part of being an effective teacher.

I shared with readers the website called brain pop.  This is a website with short educational cartoon videos to learn about all subjects across grade levels.  Recently, I showed my fifth grade students a video of the Bill of Rights on Constitution Day.  This helped my students get a better understanding of what it was without me directly telling them.      

RSS Reader Tracking

As I read and tracked changes throughout my RSS Reader page, I first realized how useful an RSS page can be.  I had never heard of a RSS Reader page and after learning more about it and completing the lab, I thought it was very effective.  I am now able to keep a variety of educational articles and blogs that relate to education and technology in the classroom.

In Education Week, I was able to read about many educational issues surrounding teachers in this country.  I was reminded daily that the same issues were going on around the country that Michigan is facing today.  For example, in one article they talked about class sizes going up as the amount of teachers is decreasing.   Unfortunately, the country is facing large budget cuts and it makes me realize how much more difficult it will be to get newer technology into the classroom.  

In simpleK12, I enjoyed the short blogs that were written, often provided teaching tools and advice for the classroom.  For instance, I read the blog on "7 Teacher No-Nos."  The author provided quick reminders for using technology in the classroom.  For example, it is important to always have a backup lesson.  Although technology is great, it doesn’t always work we as we planned!

What I Learned

Over the course of the week I have learned numerous effective ideas from the feeds I have been tracking.  I really enjoyed a variety of articles in edutopia.  One article in particular, “Why Integrate Technology into the Curriculum?  The Reasons are Many” the author gave four components to learning that I strongly agreed with.  First, active engagement is critical in order for students to be responsible for their own learning.  Collaborating with others builds life skills of listening to others ideas and compromising.  Also, children benefit positively from a project learning approach.  The author mentioned making connections to the real world, and having positive interactions and receiving feedback through technology.  By students using technology across the curriculum, they are working to become knowledgeable on the uses of technology and get a realistic view of how technology surrounds them in their daily life.  

I read some interesting articles on on the effectiveness of apple products such as an iPad or iPod in the classroom.  Although the school I teach at doesn’t have access to these products, it may be a useful tool for myself to have to help instruction.  For instance, in the article, “Involve, Prepare, Apply, and Develop: Ipads in the Classroom” they gave a list of applications where groups of students could interact with others discussing their experiment in science or connect with other communities during social studies.  They gave math applications where students could play math bingo or use a blackboard for computation practice.  The possibilities on these innovative products seem endless.  I hope that apple products such as the iPad or products just like these become a must have in the near future for districts.


As a teacher, there are many ways I could apply the capabilities of RSS Reader pages into a school setting.  It would be useful to use an RSS Reader across all curriculum.  For instance, I am currently teaching about electricity in science.  By using kid friendly sites on science issues, I could set up the readers and teach students how to use the them effectively.  They could track articles and share newsworthy events dealing with science.  I think a RSS Reader pages is a useful way for students to keep up with newsworthy events related to their education.

Also, I will use this idea as a way to improve as an educator.  I believe one of the best ways to improve as a teacher is to communicate with other educators.  Blogs allow me to do just that.  I can ask questions, share my own thoughts, read others ideas, and take ideas immediately into the classroom.  For instance, I enjoyed discovering the simplek12 blog.  In one post, the author discussed ways to use Google to engage my students.  These are free and practical resources to help better my students learning.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent Lisa! You have found some excellent blogs to follow. RSS feeds are so helpful when doing research. The research comes to you! The only thing is trying to find the time to read all the articles. It can be time consuming, but very helpful as you are trying to grow for your own personal PD. Blogs could be considered PD as you read the expert's opinions daily or weekly.
