Thursday, February 9, 2012

Part A-Brainstorming Session

The web conferencing tool my group used was Adobe Connect. The advantages to using this tool was that is was easy to use and there was an unlimited time to communicate with group members, unlike other web conferencing tools just as Jing. Also, it was a way to quickly communicate about our project instead of sending constant emails or postings to Google docs. The disadvantage was that in order to use Adobe Connect, we had to first have our instructor set one of us up to have hosting rights. Nonetheless, it was helpful because Chuck explained what I had to do to web conference quickly and effectively.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for taking the lead with Adobe Connect. Your leadership definitely benefited the overall group effort.

    Were there any other disadvantages with Adobe Connect? With the actual program?

    Again, thank you for your leadership, and I look forward to the final project.
